
Should You Take Pre-Workout Supplements?

  Whether you go to the gym every morning or favor at-home exercises, you've probably heard about the possible benefits of pre-workout supplements. It could be from friends, athletes, trainers, or commercials. These supplements are multi-ingredient dietary formulas. However, is taking supplements required or beneficial? The best pre workout supplements boost your fitness and provide the energy you need to get through difficult workouts. Let's see if pre-workout supplements are merely a massively promoted trend or a true fitness fuel. Pre-workout supplements aren't for everyone. If you frequently lack energy or struggle to complete your workout, try other lifestyle solutions such as hydration, sleep, and food before turning to supplements. However, if your diet isn’t providing an adequate amount of protein then supplements come into the picture. Nowadays, there are several proteins available, you can pick the best pre workout supplement   based on the nutrients your body lac...

BCAA's - What Are Branched-Chain Amino Acids & Its Benefits?

There are 20 various amino acids that build up and make the thousands of proteins in the body of a human. Out of these 20, 9 of them are considered to be essential amino acids. These cannot be made by our body and must be or can be obtained from a diet. Of these 9 essential amino acids, 3 of them are BCAA or branched-chain amino acids. 1. Valine 2. Leucine 3. Isoleucine  “Branched-chain” or BCAA protein refers to the chemical structure of BCAAs that are found in foods rich in proteins such as eggs, meat and dairy products. They are also a popular dietary supplement sold primarily in powder form called BCAA Powder.  Here are some of the benefits of the BCAA Supplement, BCAA protein or BCAA powder.  1. Increase Muscle Growth One of the most popular uses of BCAA powder or BCAA supplement is to increase muscle growth. The leucine helps to activate a pathway in the human body that helps to stimulate synthesis of muscle proteins and aids in making of muscles.  A study sug...

Supplements In India For Body Building By Bigflex

  Introduction Whether you're new to the gym or have been going for a while, you would be advised to take a few extra supplements apart from being conscious about your nutrient consumption. The best gym supplements are often recommended to be used by the personal trainers and nutritionists at the gym. It's crucial to know which are the best gym supplements , powders, and proteins that can help you achieve your fitness objectives healthily and safely. Generally, if you are a regular fitness enthusiast you will develop a liking towards taking nutraceuticals as you get to know more about their benefits. It becomes a part of your routine.  Let us look at the best gym supplements that are commonly used in today’s date namely, mass gainer, whey protein powder and BCAA supplements. What is a mass gainer supplement ?  Some people have an easy time gaining muscle mass, while others have a difficult time doing so. There is a mass gainer product that is specifically designed for aid...